So we’re a couple of months into the year already shrouded in the usual talk and speculation of what may or may not happen if the economy keeps its course. Reflecting on those new years resolutions we were so fired up about just a while ago, this is the time we are either digging our heels in deeper or subconsciously deciding its too hard and getting ready to throw in the towel. Whether you are holding fast and digging deep or ready to wash your hands and hang up the towel this is for you.

I pray that it will shed some light on a weak link in the chain that could be holding you back. I know what its like to be in a good space really moving from glory to glory and then suddenly have my teeth kicked in by this menacing mountain called fear, to see doubt snickering at my attempts to put my best foot forward, to see guilt sneaking into my private thoughts throwing stones at me as if he is the first who has no sin, to see mallice fanning the flames of insecurity so that i may burn those around me.

But I thank God that He is faithful and just, the perfect antidote to every situation and He doesn’t sleep nor slumber on the job. He is so awesome that He takes simple minded beings like us and lifts us out of our mud, giving us extraordinary visions, capabilities and results in what He inspires us to do.

The weakest Link

An unfortunate challenge we have as Christians is that we tend to stay superficial with God. We become highly religious, knowing all the rules and pointing out those who do not follow them, saying all the right things, wearing smiles yet deep down we are bitter or broken, adding sparkly clichés to daily conversation as if everything is just fine. But in reality everything is Not just fine, there is a serious disconnect between us and Him.

We have to make an effort to do the things that would come naturally to us if we truly related with him (things like praying without ceasing, giving thanks in all situations, wirshipping in spirit and in truth, loving our God with all our hearts, extending this love to ourselves and then to our neighbour from the abundance of it in our own hearts).

Its sad that at prayer time, if we even have the strength to pray, we approach him in political correctness as if he is a Government official who requires just the right incentive to hear our cry. We cower in shame never stepping out to share the gospel because we are afraid that our unworthiness may slip out and embarass us. We see him in our worldly image and not ourselves in His image.

A foolish thing to confound the wise..

It begins with You. You decide to open your heart to him. You answer the call to come home and You stand the chance to make this fleeting life count. How? You ask..well I’m glad to be of service. You start by being honest with yourself about where you really are don’t look left or right to benchmark with anyone. Look deep into yourself and speak to God from there..Yes in that anger or that disgrace. This is one space you don’t need to fake it so you can make it, God can handle whatever you think you can throw at him. This is the true starting point of a journey you will not soon forget and I can truly say that its worth it. From January to December…every year.


Sharon Rateiwa an artsy and fun somebody who loves to share share share. She is a designer by nature and loves performance art as a singer & poet. She believes there is a mandate on his generation to take up Godly arms for the war ahead because we are at war whether we choose to fight or not so she’s a firm believer in doing our part in whatever small way we can.