Happy birthday to me..Happy birthday to me..Happy birthday to me-ee..Happy birthday to me. Its been a long time coming but finally my most favourite day of the year is here. This is the one day where even if nothing else is going right I still find it in me to be joyful. When I say joyful I mean tell everybody and the trees and the sky, sing to the birds and smile from the bottom of my heart. I’ve been here for 31 long years and in those years God has raised me every morning continuing this gift of life it hasn’t always been easy but guess what..I’m still standing and thank God for that.

1. Life is the most precious gift you will ever have:- if you are still alive to complain about things (though I don’t recommend that approach) being alive means that they can still change. On my worst days what gets me through is knowing God wanted me here today.

2. Make every excuse to smile at least once a day:- they say laughter is the best medicine and you know what? I’ve seen sorrow taking a well deserved back seat because laughter released a heavy heart. Laughing doesn’t mean everything is fine and dandy but it means there is hope for a brighter day.

3. Live a little:- sometimes its worth doing things you have never done before or going places you have never gone because lets face it no one ever conquered anything worth conquering from the comfort of their four walls. Yes “…the night is dark and full of many terrors” but God is the light and terrors are nothing in the face of His glory.

4. Stop nit picking everything about your life:- you may not have the tharty billion for di accounti oh or Versachi and Guchi for you body oh baby but these are things you can work towards and its as simple as a choice. You may be single and feeling lonely but whats breaking you isn’t the load you’re carrying but how you choose to carry it. We all know what God says about being weak and heavy laden if you take just one little bag of trouble and allow him to deal with it (and I mean really take your hands off it and give it to God) He will make you richer in substance than you would ever be hustling on the street corner. He will fill your empty cup to overflowing from joy to health to long life to home after a good run down here.

5. Accept that people did you dirty and choose to forgive them anyway:- Last year I did a little exercise where I had an honest convo with myself about people I was still holding onto (i identified them by noting how I always seemed to talk about them and how they did this and that to me even in random conversation). One by one i sent them each a personal message where I forgave them and prayed for their bright future. It wasn’t a fake it till you make it campaign it was real and I revisited the hurt and took one for the team. Every single person replied and it was the most healing thing I’ve ever done.

6. Do you Boo Boo:- I’m always on about this “there’s something about YOU” business and that’s because there is something about You created by the Almighty for His good pleasure and yours too by virtue of being His. You want to know who you are?..look in the right mirror, His word will show you. Once you know what you were made for stand firm in God He will lead you but just remember you may make mistakes but He is so organised you will still get to where you need to go impacting the relevant people as you do.

7. Do things that count:- it doesn’t count if you do all the right things in the wrong attitude other people can feel it and tend to disconnect from that kind of thing. You’ll wonder why you did everything right but the effects were poor. Its because you were holding back and keeping them at arm’s length. Don’t be motivated by people’s opinions be motivated by God’s. What are you afraid of? Follow that fear and see where it takes you because there is more to it than you think.
8. If you love someone let God into the equation:- This one is tough and I’m still learning to stop hiding from Him (as if I ever could *face palm). He sees the way I look at the person when they are around, He knows the thoughts I think about them and how I feel in the deepest parts of my heart so why do I want to seperate my love life from Him?..perhaps there’s a small fear that He will condemn it as we often do to each other. God is not like us and this alone is enough reason to trust Him before we even get into the deeper reasons we should.

9. Lift your head up:- as long as you are alive there is a 100% chance that you are going to mess up today in your thoughts, ways and words. Let God’s love be the parameter you use to measure your worth as a person. Don’t let anyone cause you to bow your head in shame because they cannot truly cast a stone having as much sin in their own lives. That being said let God reform your mind and from that place you will become more than you ever anticipated still imperfect but purified.

10-31. Thats just how important this one is…every battle you are ever going to fight will be won from the inside out:- for too long we’ve lived in a system where we point at the symptoms and start managing them without digging further to the root. The problem with that is the root can cause more death to grow in its place like the hydra (yes that’s a reference from Marvel’s Agents of Sheild) cut off one head nd two more grow in its place but only until you destroy the root.
If you really want prosperity stop looking at the outward things and start dealing with your mindset, attitude and your behaviour because I assure you anointing oil from papa so and so will not do a thing without your cooperation. Its funny how these people capitalize on your pocket through God’s principles which are free of charge in the bible. He already wants to bless you and thats why some of this papa nonsense appears to work. It is not the man who can release God’s power but God’s power that is sufficiently dynamic that it meets the needs of His children who humbly call upon His name.

Some figures in authority choose to add a little bit of their own stuff to the mix but ultimately God is good and that is why He breaks yokes and gives the power to obtain wealth.

When you look at it from the inside out you may realise that the kind of wealth you are really looking for cannot be bought or sold. Those who have physical wealth will all tell you about an internal journey they went on and how it changed their way of thinking and doing things. They are also very aware of their limitations and how God lifted them up when He examined their hearts. He has never been a respector of persons and no one can move Him to start now..jussaying

So off I go to enjoy my most favourite day of the year…wishing myself many more to come so I can get my Dazzle on 😉